en fr

Phantom Power    25.11.2021—28.01.2022    La Monte Young   Marian Zazeela   Jung Hee Choi   Salomé Voegelin   Etudiant·e·s BA Arts Visuels



Jouer tous les sons Stopper tous les sons

Salomé Voegelin: penser la Dream House dans une perspective socio-politique


Galerie l’elac
Av. du Temple 5, 1020 Renens

Entrée libre


Mercredi au vendredi, 13h-20h Samedi, 13h-17h

Ou sur rendez-vous : dreamhouse@ecal.ch

Fermeture 24.12.21-09.01.22

Vernissage 25.11.21, 18h-20h

Entretien en visioconférence avec La Monte Young, Marian Zazeela, Jung Hee Choi, Salomé Voegelin et les étduiant.es du BA en Arts Visuels – 10.12.21, 17h, ECAL. Inscription: dreamhouse@ecal.ch

Installation production:

Music composition and installation design: La Monte Young

Lighting and installation design: Marian Zazeela

Music composition, lighting and installation design: Jung Hee Choi

Curators: Stéphane Kropf and Thibault Walter

Lighting consultant: Brian Aldous

Synthesizer design: Diarmid Flatley and David Rayna

Technical production: Diarmid Flatley

Audio consultant: Ben Manley

Fabrication and installation manager: Stéphane Kropf

Lighting and audio installation and system design: Serge Carrupt (TMS) and Nicolas Montandon (TMS)

ECAL Facility Manager and Dream House Production Assistance: Francisco Figueirinha

Production assistants: Charly Mirambeau, Romane de Watteville

Re-enactments: ECAL Fine Arts Bachelor students

Graphic designers: Notter+Vigne

Head of ECAL: Alexis Georgacopoulos

ECAL Head of Communication: Selim Atakurt

ECAL Head of Research: Davide Fornari

ECAL Strategic Partnerships: Cecile Vulliemin

ECAL Printer: Benjamin Plantier

This exhibition is made possible with support from ECAL 200, HES-SO, l’elac, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Sandoz, Hirslanden Group  and MELA Foundation, Inc.

Special thanks to Francis Baudevin, Philippe Decrauzat and Alan Licht.