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Vision Creation New Sound
en fr

    08.11.2018    Maryanne Amacher    Amy Cimini   Bill Dietz   Emmanuel Holterbach   Eliane Radigue   Mario de Vega



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Mario de Vega commenting on and in his 06.11.18 action


08.11.2018 – Cinema Studio – ECAL

Sound Archiving & Listening Modes

“Labyrinth Gives Way to Skin : Listening Session of Maryanne Amacher‘s pieces” by Amy Cimini and Bill Dietz

“Action for Custom Electronics, Tape and Objects” by Mario de Vega

“Feedback Works of Eliane Radigue” by Emmanuel Holterbach

Texts composed of and by the materials presented here are being published in the OHCETECHO collection of Presses du Réel.